OnDemand Webinar Preventing Retraumatization: Establishing Responsive Mental Health Support for Deaf Students
About This Course
Webinar Description:
Deaf college students experience a range of barriers to navigating college systems to access academic and non-academic environments. There are challenges with the process of requesting interpreters, a lack of opportunities to socialize with their peers outside of scheduled class time, and challenges with building connections with faculty and staff. Facing these barriers can trigger trauma and impact the mental health of deaf students. This session offers strategies to be responsive to the needs of deaf students to decrease institutional barriers and support the development of deaf students' resiliency.
Webinar Learning Objectives:
- Understand the challenges deaf college students face in accessing academic and social aspects of college life, such as difficulties with interpreter requests and limited social opportunities.
- Recognize how these challenges can affect deaf students' mental health and resilience emphasizing the importance of addressing institutional barriers.
- Learn practical strategies to support deaf students, including improving interpreter request processes, enhancing socialization opportunities, and strengthening connections with faculty and staff to create a more inclusive environment.
Professional Development Information
Badge Title: OnDemand Webinar: Trauma & Access
1 NDC Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Clock Hour
1 CRCC Clock Hour