OnDemand Webinar: Using Data to Further Dialogue for Change

Thumbnail image of Lore Kinast (white female with long blonde hair, black glasses and dangly rainbow earrings) embedded in a circle. To the left is the title "Using Data to Further Dialogue for Change."

About This Course

National Deaf Center

Webinar Description:

Data and dialog are two essential tools for addressing inequities within the college environment. Data provides insights into the present climate and serves as a catalyst for initiating dialog aimed at systemic transformation. In 2023, NDC gathered data from 1) deaf students regarding their college experiences and 2) disability services professionals about their service provision. This session will provide more insight to the data and strategies for participants to engage in dialog focused on using data to transform systems at their college. 

Webinar Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the role of data in addressing inequities within the college environment, particularly in relation to the experiences of deaf students and disability services provision.
  • Explore the insights derived from the data gathered by NDC in 2023, focusing on the experiences of deaf students and the perspectives of disability services professionals.
  • Develop strategies for initiating and participating in dialogues aimed at systemic transformation within college environments, using the gathered data as a catalyst for change. 


Professional Development Information

Badge Title: OnDemand Webinar: Data & Dialog

1 NDC Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Clock Hour

1 CRCC Clock Hour

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