Summer Programs for Deaf Youth: Stories and Strategies
About This Course
Module Description: Summer programs can take a variety of shapes and forms. Whether a summer program focuses on coding, culinary skills, or self-advocacy and leadership, all programs strive to develop young people's skills and abilities in preparation for adulthood. While research affirms the benefits of summer programs for all youth, less information is available about effective summer programming for deaf youth. This module seeks to bridge this gap by providing important information for professionals about designing accessible deaf youth summer programs. Learn WHY summer programming is important, WHAT states have learned in building summer programs, and HOW to get started in launching or strengthening a deaf youth summer program. Gain insight from video interviews with deaf people about their experiences, information from those who have successfully started summer programs, and some examples from the field.
Learning Objectives: By the end of this module, participants will be able to:
- Describe the benefits of summer programming for deaf youth
- State key considerations of the planning process when developing summer programs
- Share examples of successful summer programs
Badge Information: Content category - Accessibility Practices
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Continuing Education Hours: This module is pre-approved for 1 NDC Continuing Profession Education (CPE) Clock Hour and 1 CRCC Clock Hour.